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All-Natural Pedicure Treatments

All-Natural Pedicure Treatments

These 3 All-Natural Pedicure Treatments Will Radically Overhaul Your Feet

“Her signature foot soak relies on cypress oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, while her peppermint oil–spiked scrub is designed to slough off dead skin and moisturize, and her coconut and wild orange oil moisturizer does double time as a before-bed hand and foot salve.”

Pink Himalayan Salt Foot Soak

2 T pink Himalayan salt
1 drop cypress essential oil
1 drop tea tree essential oil
1 tsp. Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap
Tub of warm water

Directions: Mix ingredients until equally distributed. Soak feet 15 minutes, or until skin plumps and softens.

Coconut Oil Foot Scrub

1/4 cup sea salt
1/2 T Dr. Bronner’s soap
3 T organic fractionated coconut oil
2 drops peppermint oil (or any essential oil)

Directions: Mix ingredients into a rough, uniform paste. Apply to the entire foot and ankle area, and massage gently for 10 minutes, concentrating on heels and balls of feet. Rinse off with warm water.

Wild Orange and Coconut Oil Moisturizer

1 part organic fractionated coconut oil
1 part organic aloe vera gel
1 drop wild orange essential oil


We offer several natural hands and foot treatments including pink Himalayan salt scrub.

View or treatments here. 




What massage should I get?

What massage should I get?

Five Benefits of Massage Therapy

Reduce Stress
Anyone that has gotten a massage knows that it can be a relaxing and calming experience, but did you know that it can actually reduce your stress levels as well? Stress can cause a large number of concerns for your body including irritability, weight gain, sleep problems, and more. It is imperative to get your stress levels under control to have a healthy mind and body. Thankfully getting regular massages could be the answer to your stress problem!
A recent study conducted by Chang Gung University concluded that there was a positive correlation between stress levels and getting regular massages. This is because researchers found that when a participant got a massage, their cortisol levels significantly reduced. Cortisol is your stress hormone and controls your fight or flight response. Not only did it reduce participants’ stress levels during the massage, but for up to eighteen hours after it had been completed.

Improve Sleep
Sleep is incredibly important to everyone’s physical and mental well-being. According to a study conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in three Americans do not get an efficient amount of sleep. Getting an aromatherapy massage could help you get a full night’s rest.
Aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years and is the practice of utilizing essential oils to combat different ailments. An aromatherapy massage uses lotions with essential oils and uses a diffuser to allow the client to inhale the oils as well.  Different essential oils can treat different problems you might be experiencing. Some of the best to treat sleep problems include lavender, peppermint, and roman chamomile. Request these essential oils next time you get a massage for a relaxing time and a restful sleep.

Pain Management
If you are someone that experiences any kind of pain on a regular basis then you are not alone. The National Institute of Health reported that pain affects more people than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. With such an epidemic happening, many people have turned to natural alternatives to reduce their chronic pain levels to avoid addictive medications.
The Massage Therapy Foundation published a research project that involved hospital patients that were experiencing pain because of surgical, medical, or other reasons. They integrated thirty-minute massages into their routine several times a week. The study demonstrated that massages led to a significant decrease in pain levels, and also helped patients sleep patterns, relaxation, the healing process, and more.

Many massage patrons have been told to drink lots of water after their deep tissue massage, but many do not know the reason why. It is because when someone gets a massage, your body begins to release toxins that are stored throughout the muscles.
The pressing movement and release during a massage help with the circulation of blood movement and the lymphatic system. Water assists your body in bringing oxygen, new blood, and nutrients to your muscles, organs, and tissue.
Massages also help to flush out waste products that are created by different cells each day. All of this helps to flush out the toxins that are built up in your lymphatic system. Getting rid of these impurities in your system can help to increase energy, aid in weight loss, and reduce inflammation.

Strengthen Immune System
Looking for ways to fight off the cold or flu this season? Well, you’re in luck! A massage could be the perfect boost that your immune system needs to get through this year healthy and sickness free.
As stated above, massages help to increase circulation throughout the body. When this happens, it supports an increase in the activity level of white blood cells that are used to combat any virus or infection that it comes in contact with. This increase in cells helps to strengthen your immune system and cognitive skills before, during, and after illness strikes.

Book your massage today to start reaping the amazing benefits available to you now!

Call: 970-453-2044

Massage measurably reduces stress

A study finds that 10 minutes of massage or relaxation can activate the body’s system for overcoming stress.

Massage measurably reduces stress – The damaging effects of stress are well-known, but fortunately, our bodies have a built-in system for managing and recovering from it. This system is called the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS).

While there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that taking time to relax — especially when it involves massage — can activate the PSNS, the new study by psychologists at the University of Konstanz in Germany has scientifically measured and confirmed this effect.

In their paper, the researchers conclude that short periods of relaxation may be psychologically and physiologically regenerative and that the effect is even more pronounced with a massage.

The senior author of the study is Prof. Jens Pruessner of the university’s Neuropsychology lab, who is a member of the Cluster of Excellence “Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour.” He explains the importance of the new research:

“To get a better handle on the negative effects of stress, we need to understand its opposite — relaxation. Relaxation therapies show great promise as a holistic way to treat stress, but the more systematic scientific appraisal of these methods is needed.”

The study appears in the September 2020 issue of Scientific Reports.

The study

For their study, the team divided the participants into three groups.

The first group received 10-minute head-and-neck massages with a moderate pressure intended to stimulate the PSNS’s vagus nerve. This nerve contains some 75% of the PSNS nerve fibers, branching out to the many organs in the body with which the system interacts.

The second group of individuals received much softer 10-minute neck-and-shoulder massages as a means of determining the PSNS-activating effect of simple tactile contact.

A third control group simply sat at a table relaxing for 10 minutes.

The researchers used both physiological and psychological measurements to evaluate the degree to which each intervention, or lack of, had activated the participants’ PSNS.

Neuropsychology doctoral student Maria Meier led the team, who assessed the tests’ physiological effect by measuring the participants’ heart rate, as well as their heart rate variability (HRV). HRV is a measurement of variations in the time intervals between heartbeats.

For example, when the body is in fight-or-flight mode, there is a very little variation because the heart beats quickly at a steady rate. This will provide a low HRV value. When the body is relaxed, a greater degree of variation occurs, resulting in a higher HRV.

All of the participants had significantly higher HRV levels afterward. However, the most dramatic increases in HRV belonged to those who had received massages. The type of massage did not matter.

Simple tactile contact proved just as effective for helping an individual relax as a massage designed specifically to activate the PSNS.

Psychologically, all participants reported feeling less stressed and more relaxed after the tests.

Overall, the experiments confirmed that simply taking a few moments to relax can help a person manage stress. Adding a relaxing massage does, even more, to activate the PSNS and alleviate the physical and mental effects of stress.

Stress management

Meier concludes: “We are very encouraged by the findings that short periods of disengagement are enough to relax not just the mind but also the body. You don’t need professional treatment in order to relax. Having somebody gently stroke your shoulders, or even just resting your head on the table for 10 minutes, is an effective way to boost your body’s physiological engine of relaxation.”

Equally important as the study’s finding is the development of a system for objectively evaluating relaxation therapies. With experts often citing stress as the driver of diseases such as depression, a reliable means of validating relaxation techniques clearly has value.

Says Meier, “Massage, being such a commonly used relaxation therapy, was our first study. Our next step is to test if other short interventions, like breathing exercises and meditation, show similar psychological and physiological relaxation results.”’



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